I & M Bank House 3rd Floor, 2nd Ngong Avenue

Human Resource Management & Consultancy

Bellmac Consulting LLP > Services > Business > Human Resource Management & Consultancy
Bellmac Consulting LLP > Services > Business > Human Resource Management & Consultancy

Our Human Resource professionals focus on the human experience in business transformation and on improving the performance of organizations by changing the way people are managed, led, and developed. We focus on three key areas including delivering the people agenda on a large scale, transformational change programs, and human resource function.

We provide customized support in the following core areas:-
  • Organization Design & Development – help organizations develop and implement organizational structures to deliver the organization’s strategic intent to operate more efficiently and effectively
  • HR Transformation – create leading HR practices by aligning HR and business strategies and putting necessary structures, capabilities, and systems in place;
  • Behavioral Change Management – help organizations to develop strategies and sustain change initiatives that deal with the impact of change
  • Talent Development – help organizations develop integrated HR processes designed to attract, develop, motivate and retain productive, engaged resources to meet business and strategic objectives
  • Workforce Optimization – help organizations balance key performing metrics and get the maximum benefit out of human capital to achieve strategic and business goals

HR Legal Advisory Services

We offer diverse, personalized, and proactive advice on legal matters relating to employment laws. For employers, you can always hire us as your trusted HR support for the purposes of guiding.

Our key areas of HR expertise and employment law services include:-
  • Guiding your administration or HR personnel on legal matters touching on labour and employment law
  • Designing, drafting and review of contracts of services and executive contracts according to business needs
  • Advising on and handling disciplinary procedures including redundancies, furlough and termination in accordance with applicable labour and employment laws
  • Drafting and review of HR Manuals, Employee handbook, Policies, and Procedures
  • Advising on the structure of executive compensation including bonus or commissions scheme, non- voting equity schemes as well as Employee Share Option schemes (ESOPs)
  • Handling labour disputes before labour office, magistrates’ or employment and labour courts
  • Helping employers foster and maintain productive relationships with labour unions, negotiating or reviewing Collective Bargaining Agreements (CBA) with trade unions
  • Conducting HR Legal Audits by assessing the current practices, documentation, policies, and procedures prevalent in the HR system of the organization and providing recommendations
  • Conducting job analysis by collecting all information about a specific job, including skill requirements, roles, responsibilities, and processes to create a job description
  • Performing job evaluation by comparing all aspects of a job to create a pay structure that is fair, equitable, and consistent
  • Conducting salary and benefits surveys to enable organizations to have both commensurate and competitive pay structures tied to the grading structure.
  • Identify, approach, and place talent (Recruitment and Selection)
  • Support in aligning, monitoring, and streamlining the performance of employees to the objectives of the company
  • Conducting a skills audit assessment through competencies analysis, surveys and to know what skills and knowledge employees have against the desired academic/professional qualification and experience
  • Implementing and maintaining the HR function on your behalf on administrative, operational, and strategic HR goals
  • Managing outsourced staff on certain HR functions i.e. contract management and payroll